Death Audit In Medicine Department Of DMCH

Brain death is the irreversible end of all brain activity (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life) due to total necrosis of the cerebral neurons following loss of brain oxygenation. In medical practice, several causes of death include acute myocardial infraction, heart failure, arrhythmias, septicemia, COPD, poisoning etc. Vital statistics outlining the major causes of death in a population are an important measure of public health. We have no adequate data regarding causes of death in our country. Thus the aim of this study is to identify the causes of death from acute emergency and in chronic medical diseases with some demographic profiles.

It is an observational study and the study period was 6 months (September, 2010 to February 2011). The patients who died after admission in medicine ward of Dhaka Medical College Hospital are enrolled. The study group consists of 100 subjects of whom 62 was male and 38 was female.

Among the study patients mean age was 49.34 for male and 42.94 for female. Among them neurological cases were 32%, respiratory cases 12% , hepatobiliary 13%, cardiovascular 8%, gastrointestinal 4%, renal 4%, hematological 5%, endocrine 7%, poisoning 14%, and drug reaction 1%.Male and female ratio are 62: 38. Underlying causes of death are known in 87% and unknown in 13% cases. Death occurred in 65% cases within 24 hours, 29% cases from 24 hours to 7 days, 7% after 7 days. The major cause of death was stroke followed by poisoning.

So, we conclude that the death pattern is not consistent with the developed countries where the major cause of death is due to heart diseases whereas stroke comprises the major cause of death in our country.


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