A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted place in Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, during the period of July 2010 to December 2010. The study is about ‘Breast-feeding Pattern in Postnatal’ and a total number of 100 mothers were surveyed during study. Large number of 91% of the mother has the breast feeding knowledge about beneficial effects of colostrums service holder age group between the mothers argued about giving of water during hot weather. About 72% of upper-class mother has the knowledge that breast feeding is beneficial for the baby. Majority of the mother have fair knowledge about duration of breast feeding and 50% of their education in SSC in the middle class.
Breast feeding should be continued up to 2 years. Illiterate mothers (lower class) do not know the breast feeding reduces subsequent pregnancy and only 12% mother. About 83% mothers of the upper middle class have knowledge in that breast feeding is beneficial for the body and continued up to 2 years . Majority of the mother 50% have fair knowledge about duration of breast feeding up to 2 years in the middle class . Illiterate mothers do not know the breast feeding reduces subsequent pregnancy and only 12% mother. About 83% of the upper middle class mothers have knowledge for continuing breast feeding in diarrhea of lower social-economic class to continue breast feeding 41% in diarrhea. 84% mother of upper social-economic class breast feeds their babies. 82%of housewife mother breast feed when their babies cry.
The breast feeding tradition in Bangladesh is without a doubt among the strongest in the world. The duration of breast feeding is examined in relation to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of women households.
The scientific communities have recognized the benefits of breast milk for infant health survival. Exclusive breast feeding should ideally be continued up to six month of age and Weaning should be started after that particular age. Factors that interact with the protective effect of breast feeding include environ mental cultural and economic characteristics.
Breast feeding even plays a vital role in birth spacing. A number of studies denotes and demonstrates in their studies that, the lower the duration of breast feeding. The lower the interval between last child birth and next pregnancy .A mother also emotionally satisfied with the establishment of relationship between mother and children while breast feeding.
In this regards, teachers in different institutions like school, college, educational institute and universities can play important roles . In such a way they can take part in raising awareness about knowledge of breast feeding among their students can influence the community in providing correct knowledge as well as right attitude to breast feeding.
Breast milk is the God-given and unique natural food for infants and young children. As a mother one of the best things that only mothers can do for her baby is to breast feed. Breastfeeding is more than a lifestyle choice-it is an important health choice. Any amount of time that mothers can do it to help for both of herself and her baby.
Breast milk is considered the optimal food for infants in the first six months of life. Not only does it guarantee safe, fresh milk, it enhances the immune system, protects against allergies and protects against infectious and non-infectious disease (James & Dobson, 2005). Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrition for infants as it contains the appropriate amounts of carbohydrate, protein and fat as well as digestive proteins,vitamins,mineralsand hormones that infants need (Gartner & Eidleman,2005 ).
The breast feed infant is used as a reference against which alternative heeding methods are measured regarding growth, health ,development and other outcomes (Gartner & Eidleman,2005 ). Human milk is uniquely superior to other substitutes and is specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of the human infant (James & Dobson,2005).
While breast feeding is not the only option for feeding her baby eve4ry mothers has the potential to succeed and make it a wonderful experience dive into our resources to find out how breast feeding can be one of the most important things do for both mothers and her babies .
Breast feeding is normal and healthy for infants and moms. Breast milk has disease fighting cells called antibodies that helps protects infants from germs, illness.
Infant formula cannot match the exact chemical make up of human milk especially the cells, hormones and antibodies that fight disease.
Breast milk is different from infants’ formula. Breast milk is an ideal food for good health and healthy growth of an infant after it contains a unique combination of nutrition and immunologic beneficial element for both mother and child. Breast milk provides protection against pathogen by providing antibacterial and antiviral substances that stimulate the infants’ immune system.
“Exclusive breastfeeding is a challenge for many mothers through out the world including Bangladesh. Every mother faces different challenges to breastfeeding. So individual concerns need individual solutions with the support of family, community members, government, employers and health professionals.”
Breastfeeding can reduce the number of deaths caused by acute respiratory infection and diarrhea – two major child killers- as well as from other infectious diseases. It also contributes to the help of mothers and creates a bond between the mother and child.
Breast feeding should be continued up to 2 years. Illiterate mothers (lower class) do not know the breast feeding reduces subsequent pregnancy and only 12% mother. About 83% mothers of the upper middle class have knowledge in that breast feeding is beneficial for the body and continued up to 2 years . Majority of the mother 50% have fair knowledge about duration of breast feeding up to 2 years in the middle class . Illiterate mothers do not know the breast feeding reduces subsequent pregnancy and only 12% mother. About 83% of the upper middle class mothers have knowledge for continuing breast feeding in diarrhea of lower social-economic class to continue breast feeding 41% in diarrhea. 84% mother of upper social-economic class breast feeds their babies. 82%of housewife mother breast feed when their babies cry.
The breast feeding tradition in Bangladesh is without a doubt among the strongest in the world. The duration of breast feeding is examined in relation to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of women households.
The scientific communities have recognized the benefits of breast milk for infant health survival. Exclusive breast feeding should ideally be continued up to six month of age and Weaning should be started after that particular age. Factors that interact with the protective effect of breast feeding include environ mental cultural and economic characteristics.
Breast feeding even plays a vital role in birth spacing. A number of studies denotes and demonstrates in their studies that, the lower the duration of breast feeding. The lower the interval between last child birth and next pregnancy .A mother also emotionally satisfied with the establishment of relationship between mother and children while breast feeding.
In this regards, teachers in different institutions like school, college, educational institute and universities can play important roles . In such a way they can take part in raising awareness about knowledge of breast feeding among their students can influence the community in providing correct knowledge as well as right attitude to breast feeding.
Breast milk is the God-given and unique natural food for infants and young children. As a mother one of the best things that only mothers can do for her baby is to breast feed. Breastfeeding is more than a lifestyle choice-it is an important health choice. Any amount of time that mothers can do it to help for both of herself and her baby.
Breast milk is considered the optimal food for infants in the first six months of life. Not only does it guarantee safe, fresh milk, it enhances the immune system, protects against allergies and protects against infectious and non-infectious disease (James & Dobson, 2005). Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrition for infants as it contains the appropriate amounts of carbohydrate, protein and fat as well as digestive proteins,vitamins,mineralsand hormones that infants need (Gartner & Eidleman,2005 ).
The breast feed infant is used as a reference against which alternative heeding methods are measured regarding growth, health ,development and other outcomes (Gartner & Eidleman,2005 ). Human milk is uniquely superior to other substitutes and is specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of the human infant (James & Dobson,2005).
While breast feeding is not the only option for feeding her baby eve4ry mothers has the potential to succeed and make it a wonderful experience dive into our resources to find out how breast feeding can be one of the most important things do for both mothers and her babies .
Breast feeding is normal and healthy for infants and moms. Breast milk has disease fighting cells called antibodies that helps protects infants from germs, illness.
Infant formula cannot match the exact chemical make up of human milk especially the cells, hormones and antibodies that fight disease.
Breast milk is different from infants’ formula. Breast milk is an ideal food for good health and healthy growth of an infant after it contains a unique combination of nutrition and immunologic beneficial element for both mother and child. Breast milk provides protection against pathogen by providing antibacterial and antiviral substances that stimulate the infants’ immune system.
“Exclusive breastfeeding is a challenge for many mothers through out the world including Bangladesh. Every mother faces different challenges to breastfeeding. So individual concerns need individual solutions with the support of family, community members, government, employers and health professionals.”
Breastfeeding can reduce the number of deaths caused by acute respiratory infection and diarrhea – two major child killers- as well as from other infectious diseases. It also contributes to the help of mothers and creates a bond between the mother and child.