Now a day’s bank plays an important role of financial stability of a country. It is an Institute, which is responsible for safeguarding the financial stability of a country. Due to globalization & technological innovation banking system has become very competitive. The present economic state of Bangladesh demands immediate development of financial institutions. The key to success in such demanding market situation is how automated the service is on a continuous real time basis. To keep pace with this situation bank needs executives with modern banking knowledge. To supply well-versed graduates, Faculty of Business
Studies, University of Dhaka has initiated the MBA program. To equip the students, “Internship” program has been made an integral part of the MBA program. For fulfilling this very requirement, I was sent to National Bank Ltd., Jatrabari branch where I have worked as an internee for a period of three months. The report has been prepared in the light of practical as well as theoretical knowledge. Also it is prepared under the guidance & supervision of the core teacher.
Primary objectives
• To submit a report, for the fulfillment of my MBA program.
• Is to find out the “Foreign Exchange and Loans & Advances Operation of National Bank Ltd.”
Secondary Objectives
• To gather comprehensive knowledge on total banking functions & the expectations of the customer regarding the service level of the bank
• To identify the factors contributing to the attractive & operative performance of the local branch of the bank.
• To make a study of the facts in order to arrive at certain conclusion about Export Import banking operation & foreign exchange system.
• Critically analyze the functions & the operations of each level of the organization of the National Bank Ltd
This report is based on my observation & studies during my internship period in Jatrabari branch. The study covers the bank’s functional areas i.e. General Banking, Remittance, Credits & Advances, and Foreign Exchange Department of National Bank Ltd. I have covered the different departments of National Bank Ltd, Jatrabari branch as per “Rotation Schedule”. But I have focused on the foreign exchange and loans and advances operation in my report.
In this report both primary and secondary data are collected. Primary data are collected through face-to-face conversation with the bank’s officer, staff and clients. And secondary data are collected from the published materials like Internet, Annual report, books, journals & Branch report.
This report has some limitations.
1. Time was Limited.
2. Insufficiency of Information.
3. The Bank personnel are very busy.
4. It was very difficult to get the bank’s confidential information.