The report titled “Practical Orientation in General Banking” is prepared to fulfill the partial requirement of MBA program, which is considered as Internship program. I have divided the whole report into nine chapters. Those chapters are backdrop of the report, Banking sector in Bangladesh. A short profile of National Bank, performance of National Bank , rudimentary concept of credit, sound lending principles, mechanism for lending risks analysis, SWOT analysis, Foreign Exchange, and Final etc. in first chapter, I have explained about Background of the study, Objective, Methodology,
Working schedule of the Study. In second chapter I have tried to review the Bank, its branches and the overview of Malibagh Branch. In the third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh chapter, I have explained the General Banking Department, General Advance Department, Foreign Exchange Department, Tables & Graphs and finally, Conclusion & Recommendation respectively. In fine, I can say that, I have tried to put my honest and sincere efforts while preparing these report. All my exertion and pains taking efforts will be successful, if it becomes conducive to National Bank Ltd.
A Bank is a financial institution whose main objective is the mobilization of fund from surplus unit to deficit unit. In the process of acceptance of deposits and provision of loan, Bank creates money. This characteristic feature sets Bank apart from other financial institution. A Bank can influence the money supply through lending and investment. A Bank is an economic institution whose main objective is to earn profit through exchange of money and credit instruments.
Commercial Bank is one which is concern with accepting deposit of money from the public, repaying on demand or otherwise and withdrawable on demand or otherwise and employing the deposits in the form of loan and investment to meet the financial needs of business and other classes of society.
There are different functions of commercial Bank. Some Function of commercial Bank is as follows:
Receive or acceptances of deposit form the general public. Generally in a bank there are three types of deposits. These are –
1) Current Account/ Demand Deposit
2) Saving Account
3) Fixed Deposit/ Time Deposit
Employment of funds/ Making loan and advances
Creation of money
Commercial Bank also perform some Agency service
Utility function
A Bank is a financial institution whose main objective is the mobilization of fund from surplus unit to deficit unit. In the process of acceptance of deposits and provision of loan, Bank creates money. This characteristic feature sets Bank apart from other financial institution. A Bank can influence the money supply through lending and investment. A Bank is an economic institution whose main objective is to earn profit through exchange of money and credit instruments.
Commercial Bank is one which is concern with accepting deposit of money from the public, repaying on demand or otherwise and withdrawable on demand or otherwise and employing the deposits in the form of loan and investment to meet the financial needs of business and other classes of society.
There are different functions of commercial Bank. Some Function of commercial Bank is as follows:
Receive or acceptances of deposit form the general public. Generally in a bank there are three types of deposits. These are –
1) Current Account/ Demand Deposit
2) Saving Account
3) Fixed Deposit/ Time Deposit
Employment of funds/ Making loan and advances
Creation of money
Commercial Bank also perform some Agency service
Utility function