Barriers to Higher Education for Rural Women in Bangladesh- A Case Study of Two Selected Villages in Magura District
Socialization process of the students, learning history of the past and understanding common values are one of the important roles of higher education. To make sense of self –discipline and to internalize the social rules, the touch of higher, higher education is basically an educational level that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school or gymnasium. It teaches the skills needed to problem specialist occupations. Higher education enables students to move from the particularistic standard of the family to the universal standards needed in modern and adult society.
To Plato, “to develop in the body and in the soul all the beauty and all the perfection of which they are capable. As peter worsely says, “A large part of our social and technical skills are acquired through deliberate instruction which we called higher education.”The opportunities of higher education for rural women in area of Bangladesh are not so much satisfactory. Limited facilities of educational materials, high tuition fees, lack of skilled teachers, financial crisis , social bondage and family restriction are the main barriers for rural women’ s higher education.
By the end of the eighteenth century, the classical economists came with a new theory of economic growth in favor of capital. By the beginning of twentieth century, entrepreneurship had become the honored factor in the theory of growth. At the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century, the crown was captured by economists of education led by the Nobel laureate Theodore Schultz. Schultz’s ‘human investment revolution in economic thought, as a productive sector, and expenditure on education as an investment producing human capital, comparable with physical capital in production.
All this does not mean that the important of higher education had not been recognized earlier. Long back, Plato believed in education to be indispensable for the economic health of a good society as it made citizens reasonable men. Since education has a higher economic value. Plato argued that, a considerable part of the community’s wealth must be invested in education. A major contribution to the discussion on the role of education in development was made by Adam smith
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