This study is about to explore the knowing level HIV AIDS and the role of education in raising awareness among the stakeholders specially among the young generation or the students of the secondary educational institution. Given the socio-economic, geographical location, lack of proper knowledge, the current HIV prevalence rate in Bangladesh is considered to be at risk. The factors which are responsible in this regard such as misconception of the routes of HIV transmission and prevention, attitudes towards HIV infected people, social structure made the situation more vulnerable. The study uses both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Sample selection follows purposive sampling procedure for the survey. In the present study primarily Sadar Upzila under Jessore district has been identified as the study area. HIV and AIDS information will incorporate into the secondary and higher secondary education since 2007. A number of 250 respondents will take for social survey. For the qualitative part of the study 10 case studies will conduct. Results of the study indicate the importance of socio-demographic characteristics as well as integration of HIV and AIDS information into texts in determining the level of knowledge and the perceived susceptibility. However, misconceptions regarding HIV and AIDS and infected people among the respondents are still existed. The study also shows that in the line of expectations towards the training program that Teachers (Core Trainers and Subject Teachers) are not fully successful in diffusing AIDS knowledge to their respective students though the program raised a remarkable response in its initial stage. Frequent arrangements of the training program can be a trigger event to make it successful.

The impact of HIV/AIDS is crushing the attempts of countries all over the world to put human development and the rights of women and children first. AIDS is one of the most significant health and development problems facing the world today worldwide more than 33.4 million people are living with HIV since 1981. In 2008, newly 2.8 million people have infected with HIV are mostly due to unawareness. In Bangladesh 1,745 people are HIV infected among them 619 developed AIDS and number of AIDS related death is 204. This year newly HIV infected people in Bangladesh is 250 and died from AIDS is 39.

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