Thesis on the Role of Good Governance in Bureaucracy of Bangladesh

 Thesis on the Role of Good Governance in Bureaucracy of Bangladesh:  With Particular Reference to The Rule Of Law And Justice in the Judiciary

“In framing a government to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the Governed: and in the next place oblige it to control it self.”(James Madison, the federalist 1788.)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem (Arabic Version): (In the name of Almighty Allah, The Merciful and The Magnificent. In the Holly Quran, Allah instructed mankind to read and He (Allah) taught us how to read and write and the art of speaking (Surah Ar-Rahman, 55). And he also taught us by the help of pen when mankind was ignorant. He (Allah) also instructed Hazrat Mohammad (S.) how to read and taught him the art of reading (Surah Alak, 96). With his blessings I ventured to write on “The Role of Good Governance in Bureaucracy of Bangladesh” with particular reference to the rule of Law and Justice in the Judiciary.”

Geographical Area: The country is located between 20—40 north latitudes and is characterized by a tropical climate. Annual average rainfall is about 70 inches, more than 80 percent of which occurs during the months of May to October, causing widespread floods. The dry season is divided into a cool winter (December to mid February) and a summer (mid February to April-May). About 80 percent of the total area is flat plain, while 12 percent is hilly area (in the eastern region) and the other 8 per cent is terraced.

Out of total land area is 35.3 million acres in Bangladesh, 22.5 million acres are cultivable, 5.5 million acres are under forest and hills. Land under homestead is about 3.3 million acres. Another 3 million acres remain uncultivated.

Before I Embark upon the Thesis on “The Role of Good Governance in Bureaucracy of Bangladesh with particular reference to the rule of Law & Justice in the Judiciary,” I should throw some light on the area of Governance of Bangladesh. Bangladesh, comprising an area of 55,126 Square Miles and a population of about 130 Million, is located in the delta of the Bramoputra-Ganges-Meghna river system of the India under water throughout the year. About 9.7 million acres of land are devoted to two crops in a year.