Generally by the word “Bank” we can easily understand that the financial institution deals with money. But there are different types of banks such as; Central Banks, Commercial Banks, Saving Banks, Investment banks, Industrial Banks, Co-operative Banks etc. But when we use the term “Bank” without any prefix, or qualification, it refers to the ‘commercial banks’. Commercial banks are the primary contributors to the economy of a country.
we can say Commercial banks are a profit-making institution that holds the deposits of individual & business in checking & savings accounts and then uses these funds to make loans. Both general public and the government are dependent on the services of banks as the financial intermediary. As, banks are profit–earning concern; they collect deposit at the lowest possible cost and provided loans and advances at higher cost. The differences between two are the profit for the bank.
Banking sector is expanding its hand in different financial events every day. At the same time the banking process is becoming faster, easier and the banking area is becoming wider. As the demand for better service increase day by day, they are coming with different innovative ideas & products. In order to survive in the competitive field of the banking sector, all banking organizations are looking for better service opportunities to provide their fellow clients. As a result, it has become essential for every person to have some idea on the bank and banking procedure.
1.2 Objective of the study
There are some objectives for preparing this report . It is a process of integrating the practical experience. The specific objectives of this study are as following:
q To analyze the service procedure of Mutual Trust Bank Limited.
q To know the banking operation
q To identity the financial incentive offered to the bank explains MTBL.
q To measure the employee engagement at work and the influence of financial & non financial incentives on it.
q To explorer the employees engagement level in banking Sector in presence of non financial incentives.
q To know the position of the bank
q To gather the practical experience
1.3 Methodology of the study
For smooth and accurate study every one has to follow some rules & regulations. The study input were collected from two sources
1.3.1 Primary sources of data
o Face to face conversation with the bank officers & staffs
o Informal conversation with the clients
For smooth and accurate study every one has to follow some rules & regulations. The study input were collected from two sources
1.3.1 Primary sources of data
o Face to face conversation with the bank officers & staffs
o Informal conversation with the clients
1.3.2 Secondary sources of data
o Annual report of MTBL
o Academic journals.
o Bank Report.
o Selected Books.
1.4 Limitations Of the Study
The main limitation here is as an internee I could not share all the information every time for the organization internal security. There are some other limitations these limitations are as follows:
v The duration of my internship Program was only three months. But this allocated time is not enough for a complete and fruitful study.
v The Bank was a busy one having heavy rush of people, whom officers need to deal with. So allocation of time for an internee is very much difficult for the officers of the bank.
v I was not assigned for a specific task in each day. So I was not able to understand banking activities deeply.
v Bank is a sophisticate business sector. So bank do not interested to provide me confidential data. As a result in my report there is a confidential data limitation.
o Annual report of MTBL
o Academic journals.
o Bank Report.
o Selected Books.
1.4 Limitations Of the Study
The main limitation here is as an internee I could not share all the information every time for the organization internal security. There are some other limitations these limitations are as follows:
v The duration of my internship Program was only three months. But this allocated time is not enough for a complete and fruitful study.
v The Bank was a busy one having heavy rush of people, whom officers need to deal with. So allocation of time for an internee is very much difficult for the officers of the bank.
v I was not assigned for a specific task in each day. So I was not able to understand banking activities deeply.
v Bank is a sophisticate business sector. So bank do not interested to provide me confidential data. As a result in my report there is a confidential data limitation.
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