Dhaka is one of the most developed, cosmopolitan cities in Bangladesh. Yet nearly 1/3 of the population live in slums characterized by unhygienic living conditions, overcrowding, poor housing, and lack of basic amenities. People living in the slums are more vulnerable to communicable diseases and malnutrition. Focusing on this dangerous issue, the researcher has determined to investigate on “Diarrhea and its causes and consequences in slums of Dhaka. This study aimed to identify 'objective' differential factors for normal frequent loose stool and diarrhea illness with dehydration and nutritional deficiency among people with chronic frequent loose stool. Diarrhea describes bowel movements (stools) that are loose and watery. It is very common and usually not serious. Many people will have diarrhea once or twice each year. It typically lasts two to three days and can be treated with over-the-counter medicines. Others have diarrhea often as part of irritable bowel syndrome or other chronic diseases of the large intestine.Doctors classify diarrhea as "osmotic," "secretary," or "oxidative. Of all reported illnesses in the worldwide, diarrhea is the second most common. Everyday things such as food, medication, or stress can cause diarrhea. However, diarrhea sometimes may signal an underlying medical condition.
Diarrhea is very common disease of the world, but most of the developing countries are suffering much because of their poor living standard. People of slum areas, children, old age people, women, men every one can suffer with this disease. As a poor developing country Bangladesh has great impact of diarrhea, especially in slam area. There are a lot of problems, such as pure water for drinking, lack of sanitation, clean sewerage systems, load shedding, and unhygienic living standard. Ongoing diarrhea causes the body to lose large amounts of water and nutrients. If people have watery stools more than three times a day and you are not drinking enough fluids, they could become dehydrated, which can cause serious complications if not treated. Infants less than six months of age continue to remain an area of concern, since most of the foods recommended cannot be used in them. Another major problem is the inability to manage unresponsive children in most health care settings. As a poor developing country Bangladesh has great impact of diarrhea, especially in slum area. In Slums of Dhaka, poor earning classes of people are living and they do not get more privileges and facilities what they deserve. For these reason they have to face many problems like chronic diseases and illness.Diarrhea results from imbalance of theintestines to handle water and electrolytes.Most infectious diarrheas are acquired through fecal-oral transmission from water, Food, or person-to-person contact. Patients with infectious diarrhea often complain of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain and have watery, malabsorptive, or bloody diarrhea and fever (dysentery). Some of the short lived watery diarrheasdiagnosed as “viral gastroenteritis” arelikely to be mild, sporadic, food-bornebacterial infections. Since diagnostic work up is not alwaysindicated, you may not be able to label theexact etiology of the acute diarrhea.
Diarrhea is very common disease of the world, but most of the developing countries are suffering much because of their poor living standard. People of slum areas, children, old age people, women, men every one can suffer with this disease. As a poor developing country Bangladesh has great impact of diarrhea, especially in slam area. There are a lot of problems, such as pure water for drinking, lack of sanitation, clean sewerage systems, load shedding, and unhygienic living standard. Ongoing diarrhea causes the body to lose large amounts of water and nutrients. If people have watery stools more than three times a day and you are not drinking enough fluids, they could become dehydrated, which can cause serious complications if not treated. Infants less than six months of age continue to remain an area of concern, since most of the foods recommended cannot be used in them. Another major problem is the inability to manage unresponsive children in most health care settings. As a poor developing country Bangladesh has great impact of diarrhea, especially in slum area. In Slums of Dhaka, poor earning classes of people are living and they do not get more privileges and facilities what they deserve. For these reason they have to face many problems like chronic diseases and illness.Diarrhea results from imbalance of theintestines to handle water and electrolytes.Most infectious diarrheas are acquired through fecal-oral transmission from water, Food, or person-to-person contact. Patients with infectious diarrhea often complain of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain and have watery, malabsorptive, or bloody diarrhea and fever (dysentery). Some of the short lived watery diarrheasdiagnosed as “viral gastroenteritis” arelikely to be mild, sporadic, food-bornebacterial infections. Since diagnostic work up is not alwaysindicated, you may not be able to label theexact etiology of the acute diarrhea.
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