The empirical data of this paper indicates that the owners of the rented house of prostitution, police, sardarni (female leaders of sex workers), dalal (pimp), mastans (muscleman), local and national level political leaders and clients are found to be the source of harassment to the sex workers. The present research is conducted both qualitative and quantitative analysis. I prefer quantitative analysis for CSW who are take cared by several NGOs. And I prefer case study for qualitative analysis for CSW who are not having facilities by the NGOs.
Also it aptly tries to pinpoint their status as members of the larger society and how they have been perceived and received by the respondents themselves from their counterparts.
The paper is primarily based on the empirical data gathered through direct interviewing, observation, and case studies with the randomly chosen children of sex workers of the study shelter-homes and brothels. The secondary data of other research documents are also consulted in this research. Finally, the paper provides a number of suggestive policy measures that the planners and implementers may consider for the childern of sex workers in the normal social arena.
Children have the right to a healthy and happy childhood and to become a complete person. Unfortunately an evil spirit of the Bangladesh invites women to live in a “hell hole” where they are generally looked as hapless victims and labeled commercial sex workers. Commercial sex workers are mainly girls and women in Bangladesh though very few are male. These female sex workers have no opportunity to exercise their social and legal rights. That’s why they never dream of their empowerment in the society as well as mainstreaming of their children.
Children of the commercial sex workers (CSWs) are at the receiving end of this scenario and society forces them to inherit the stigma that is attached to the profession of their mother. They wish their children living in the society as a proper citizen without any dignity and serve the country.
The 1989 United Nations Charter guarantees every child the right of survival, protection, development and participation. But to whom and how will the children of CSWs demand this? Their isolation from society, ignorance and lack of awareness are often the cause of their predicaments. The development activities of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in Bangladesh lead empowerment in its social as well as economic dimensions. NGOs have taken a very short attempt to mainstreaming thesis children which become a giant step for the humanity.
I am going to work on the topic “The children of sex-workers in Bangladesh: Problems and prospects of mainstreaming”. Here I tried to explain the background and context of the study, its importance, scope, operational definition, aims, objectives and outline of the thesis.
There are some other issues which need to take into account that deal with CSW’s position as well as their condition, that cannot singly handle by the NGOs. On the other hand, it is questioned now that given the coverage all over Bangladesh, NGOs are not reaching the all CSW s. It can be explained in this way that our society is very much conservative in a sense, for NGOs it makes complicated for the services to be delivered. However, with such limitations, NGOs still has the potential to mainstream CSW and made them a contributor to the society. Some of the NGO gears their activities towards this prospect.
Since March 2002, within the ‘Europeanán Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights’,Terre des homrnes Italia is implementing, in collaboration with Aparajeyo Bangladesh in Jamalpur and Jagorani chakra in Jessore, a projaect funded by the European commission titled “Asserting the Human Rights of brothel children and their WiP mother.”The Three Years project aims at enhancing and promoting social recognition and the human rights of 360 brothel based and flotting sex-workers’children and their mothers, providing them one drop-in-centre, nonverbal education courses, recreational activities, preventine and curative health care,legal support, skills development and options of alternative life and, generally, sensitizing the brothel and local cummunities about the plight of sex-workers. For this purpose, one of the main project objectives is to produce and disseminate a report on the human rights situation of the specific target group, that is the sex-workers settled in Marwari Mondir Brothel, Babu Bazar Brothel and Jhalai parti Brothel in Jessore, and in Ranigoanj Brothel in Jamalpur.Aftere almost three years, the project has made a considerable and ber eficial impact espacially on WiP’s children. Their state of health is improved and comforting and their mental conditions. Have made a lit of progress going alongside a rising self-esteem.
The opportunity of studing and taking part in the community meeting and events, a continious sensitization about their rights.their direct involvement in the centres’activities together with the fact that they are encountering less discrimination, has strengthen the children’s personalities and claims to social recognition. Already, they face less discrimination aand resistance when they are to be admitted in public schools and hospitals.
Though some outcomes have been achieved, the case of CSW is different in the local custom and often they directly participate in the hierarchical scale of exploitation in society. If in some respects they face less discrimination (more freedom of movement, admission to public hospitals, opportunity to participle in the community public meeting, etc.) and their right for motherhood is improved (they have time to spend with their mother) can nurish a hope or a different life for their child.
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