Assignment on Contempt Of Court

Contempt of court is essentially seen as a form of disturbance that may impede the functionality of the court. The judge may impose fines and/or jail time upon any person committing contempt of court. The person is usually let out upon his agreement to fulfill the wishes of the court. Civil contempt can involve acts of omission. The judge will make use of warnings in most situations that may lead to a person being charged with contempt. It is relatively rare that a person is charged for contempt without first receiving at least one warning from the judge. Constructive contempt, also called consequential contempt is when a person fails to fulfill the will of the court as it applies to outside obligations of the person. In most cases, constructive contempt is considered to be in the realm of civil contempt because of its passive nature.
Indirect contempt is something that is associated with civil and constructive contempt and involves a failure to follow court orders. Criminal contempt includes anything that could be called a disturbance such as repeatedly talking out of turn, bringing forth previously banned evidence, or harassment of any other party in the courtroom. Direct contempt is an unacceptable act in the presence of the judge (in facie curiae), and generally begins with a warning, and may be accompanied by an immediate imposition of punishment

Contempt of Court includes the following behaviors:
Fails to maintain a respectful attitude, remain silent or refrain from showing approval or disapproval of the proceeding
Refuses or neglects to obey a subpoena
Willfully disobeys a process or order of the Court
Interfere with the orderly administration of justice or to impair the authority or dignity of the Court
Officer of the Court fails to perform his or her duties
Sheriff and/or bailiff does not execute a writ forthwith or does not make a return thereof

Judges from the supreme court ,High Court, District Courts along with members from the various tribunals and Coroner's Court all have the power to impose immediate punishments for contempt in the face of the court, derived from legislation or through common law:
Insult a judge or justice, witness or officers of the court
Interrupts the proceedings of the Court
Interfere with the course of justice
Misbehaves in court (i.e. use of mobile phone or recording devices without permission)
Juror who leaves without permission of the court during proceedings
Disobeying a judgment or court order
Breach of undertaking
Breach of a duty imposed upon a solicitor by rules of court

Failure to comply with a court order. A copy of the order, with a "penal notice"—i.e. notice informing the recipient that if they do not comply they are subject to imprisonment—is served on the person concerned. If, after that, they breach the order, proceedings can be started and in theory the person involved can be sent to prison. In practice this rarely happens as the cost on the claimant of bringing these proceedings is significant and in practice imprisonment is rarely ordered as an apology or fine are usually considered appropriate.

Under jurisprudence, acts of contempt are divided into direct or indirect and civil or criminal. Direct contempt occurs in the presence of a judge; civil contempt is "coercive and remedial" as opposed to punitive. In the United States, relevant statutes include 18 USC 401-403 and Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 42. Direct contempt is that which occurs in the presence of the presiding judge (in facie curiae) and may be dealt with summarily: the judge notifies the offending party that he or she has acted in a manner which disrupts the tribunal and prejudices the administration of justice. After giving the person the opportunity to respond, the judge may impose the sanction immediately.


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