This report is based on an internship program. IBTRA (Islamic Bank Training and Research Academy) arranges this internship program to gather practical knowledge about banking activities. This is followed by practical experiences in the branches of IBBL. Each intern must carry out a specific project, which is assigned by the IBTRA. Consequently a report based on the projects is
to be submitted to both the authority of IBTRA and the University. My topic for this internship report is “General Banking, Investment and Foreign Exchange Operations of IBBL”. Hence I was placed in the Foreign Exchange Branch of IBBL.
Objectives of the Study
The first objective of writing the report is fulfilling the requirements of the BBA program. In this report, we have attempted to give on overview of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited in general. Following are the main objectives
ü To familiar the history and operations of Islami Banking in Bangladesh.
ü To show the investment mechanism and product offerings in different modes of IBBL.
ü To show overall investment proposal, appraisal procedures, documentation system of IBBL and Conventional Banks.
ü To show the differences with conventional banking regarding investments aspects
ü To identify strength and weakness of investments of IBBL.
ü To identify the problems related to investments faced by IBBL.
ü To recommend actions that may be necessary to redesign the investments of IBBL.
Scope of the Report
The scope of this paper is limited to the organizational structure, background, and objectives, functions, and investment performance of IBBL as a whole. The scope is also limited to different investment schemes, modes, mechanism, investment proposal appraisal procedures, monitoring and documentation of IBBL, general banking aspects and foreign exchange operations.
Methodology of the Study:
Mainly I have collected data from two sources. These two sources are as following:
Primary sources &
Secondary sources
ü The Primary sources of my information are as below:
Direct observation
Expert opinion &
Questioning the concerned persons
Objectives of the Study
The first objective of writing the report is fulfilling the requirements of the BBA program. In this report, we have attempted to give on overview of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited in general. Following are the main objectives
ü To familiar the history and operations of Islami Banking in Bangladesh.
ü To show the investment mechanism and product offerings in different modes of IBBL.
ü To show overall investment proposal, appraisal procedures, documentation system of IBBL and Conventional Banks.
ü To show the differences with conventional banking regarding investments aspects
ü To identify strength and weakness of investments of IBBL.
ü To identify the problems related to investments faced by IBBL.
ü To recommend actions that may be necessary to redesign the investments of IBBL.
Scope of the Report
The scope of this paper is limited to the organizational structure, background, and objectives, functions, and investment performance of IBBL as a whole. The scope is also limited to different investment schemes, modes, mechanism, investment proposal appraisal procedures, monitoring and documentation of IBBL, general banking aspects and foreign exchange operations.
Methodology of the Study:
Mainly I have collected data from two sources. These two sources are as following:
Primary sources &
Secondary sources
ü The Primary sources of my information are as below:
Direct observation
Expert opinion &
Questioning the concerned persons
ü The secondary sources of my information are as below:
Annual report of Islamic Bank Bangladesh Limited
Desk report of the related department i.e. IDFD
Other manual information
Different reference books of the library
Annual report of Islamic Bank Bangladesh Limited
Desk report of the related department i.e. IDFD
Other manual information
Different reference books of the library