Assignment on Geographical Setting and Physiology of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the largest geosynclinals in the world. The It Malays are to the North and the Bang of Bangla is of the South. There are also the late Tertiary Shillong Plateau, the Tripura hills, the Naga-Lusai folded belt and the Choto Nagpur Platea around Bangladesh. The geographical setting of Bangladesh causes various natural disasters.

Bangladesh experiences devastating cyclones due to its geographical setting. The Bay of Bengal is known as the breeding place of cyclones. It also gives birth of storms tornadoes and nonwestern. Cyclones cause storm surges at the coastal areas. Bangladesh also faces earthquakes and tremors.

Hydrology of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a country of rivers. There are about 230 rivers in the country. The country is formed by the Ganges, The Brahmaputra and the Meghna (GMB) river system. It shapes Bangladesh the largest delta in the world. Hundreds of rivers of the country carry an enormous quantity of sediment-laden water downstream.

The country flows a vast amount of water from the neighboring countries like India, Nepal, Bhutan and China. The amount of averages rainfall with in the country is 203 million acre-feet (MAF).

The rivers overflow their banks burring the peak season (July-September) . Excessive rainfall causes high flow of water which brings flood and water loggings. There one also some other causes of flood-El-nino, la-Nina and synchronization of high tide. Floods and water loggings damage lives, crops and properties. These bring immeasurable sufferings to common people, society, economy and overall environment.

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