evaluating nitrogen sulphur effect on boro rice an experiment conducted in SAU
in 2007. BRRI dhan 28 was used as the
crop in this experiment. That was laid out in randomised block design (RCBD).
There were twelve treartment
combinations comprisng four levels of
N (0,120,140, 160 kg ha-1
designated as N0, N1, N2, N3 and
three levels S( 0,20,30 kg S ha-1).
Designated as S0, S1,S2.
There was positive impact of each nutrient and their interaction on yield, yield parametres and
nutrient contents of boro rice BRRI dhan 28 with increasing rate of nitrogen
and sulphur. In case of individual effect of nitrogen the maximum plant height
(87.4 cm) was observed N2 (140
kg N ha-1) treatment and
number off filled grain panicle-1 (102.8) and grain yield (6.9 t ha-1ha-1)
were recorded in N3 (160 kg ha-1
) treatment. The straw yields were almost similar in different levels of N
except N0 treatment. Application of 30 kg S ha-1 produced
the highest number of effective tillers
hill-1 (11.9) filled grains panicle-1 (90.1) sraw yield (7.8 t ha-1) and grain yield (6.5
t ha-1). There was no
single significant effect of S on plant
height and 1000-grain weight of BRRI dhan 28. The treatment combination of N3S2
(160 kg N ha-1+ 30 kg S ha-1) performed better than
other treatments in present trial considering
number of filled grains panicle-1,
grain and straw yield of Boro rice BRRI dhan 28. The uptake and concentration
of N,P,K and S in grain and straw in
increased with the increase levels of N
and S. The post harvest soils 0f N3S2
(kg N ha-1+ 30 kg S ha-1) resulted the highest total N
and available S content. From the view point of grain yield, nutrient
concentretion and the quallity of post harvest soil s , the treatment
combination of N3S2 kg N (ha-1+ 30 kg S ha-1)
was considered to be the suitable dose of fertilizer for boro rice in Deep Red
Brown Terrace Soil.
Rice (Oryzasativa L.) is widely grown in tropical and
subtropical regions (Singh et al., 2012). It is staple food of not only
Bangladesh but also for India and South Asia. According to IRRI, 2009, rice is
the staple food of more than three billion people in the world, most of who
live in Asia. It is important energy source of more than half of the world and
65% of the Indian population (Liu et al., 2008). Globally, rice is grown on
153Mha (FAO, 2006), though its production and consumption is concentrated in
Asia, where more than 90% of all rice is consumed.
Global rice utilization in 2012/13 is predicted to rise by 1.5 percent to 476 million tonnes, 1 million tonnes more than last anticipated. The bulk, or 85 percent, is to be consumed as food with per capita food intake up from 56.7 kg in 2011/12 to 56.9 kg in 2012/13. This increase would be facilitated in countries such as Bangladesh by declining domestic prices from last year, although, by-and-large, rice consumer prices continue to stand higher year-on-year in nominal terms. (FAO Rice Market Monitor, November 2013)
Since the last issue of the RMM,
officials in Bangladesh have released less buoyant estimates of the 2012
Aus harvest, now assessed to have contracted to 3.2 million tonnes (2.16 million
tonnes, milled basis). The Government of Bangladesh has, however, announced
that it would procure 300 000 tonnes of Aman rice between 9 December 2012 and
28 February 2013, in a bid to support producers at harvest time. The campaign
is targeting to absorb 250 000 tonnes of parboiled rice at a price of Taka 26
per kilo (USD321 per tonne) and 50 000 tonnes of white rice at Taka 25 per kilo
(USD 309 per tonne). On the whole, FAO now anticipates Bangladesh to gather
50.7 million tonnes (33.8 million tonnes, milled basis) this season, unchanged
from 2011 and short of the year’s official target of 52.4 million tonnes (34.95
million tonnes, milled basis)(FAO, 2013).
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