Internship Report on the Contribution of Foreign Remittance: A Case Study of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd

In modern age foreign remittance is a buzz word for all developing countries. Because it is just not a part of the income of nations, it is a power on which developments run smoothly. Without remittance developments never are imagined by any developing countries. Because inflow of remittance not only ensures development but also ensure the reduction of poverty.
Now-a-days remittance has kept the economy of Bangladesh more dynamic. The main sources of our national income are foreign direct investment, foreign loans and grants and foreign remittance which are earned by working labors in abroad and exporting goods in foreign countries. We receive remittance from different developed countries that have positive role on the socio-economic development of our country.

Realizing the importance of foreign remittance in the development of Bangladesh economy and the active participation of commercial banks, I have chosen to do my internship report titled “THE CONTRIBUTION OF FOREIGN REMITTANCE: A CASE STUDY OF BANGLADESH COMMERCE BANK LTD.” This study attempts to identify key issues regarding the contribution of foreign remittance on our economy as well as on the performance of Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd.

The internship-training is an integral part of MBA degree requirement. After completion of MBA degree, students are sent to different organizations to expose them to real life management situation in the profit seeking commercial and non- profit seeking organizations. The theoretical knowledge that we acquired from class lectures, books, journals, case studies, project, workshop etc. is replenished in the practical settings. Here we also get an opportunity to realize the relevance and usefulness of the learning. Hence, I was placed in Bangladesh Commerce Bank
Limited, Narayanganj Branch by MBA program placement office for practical orientation in Bank.

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