Financial statement analysis and valuation of national tubes limited

The project on Financial Statements Analysis and Valuation has been a very good experience. Every investor whether individual or organization have conducted Financial Statements Analysis and Valuation in their investment and managerial decisions. An individual or organization investor’s expected return can be earned by conducting Financial Statements Analysis and Valuation efficiently.

This project is a sincere effort to study and analyze the Financial Statements Analysis and Valuation of National Tubes Ltd. The project focused on making a financial overview of the company by conducting Financial Statements Analysis and Valuation analysis of National Tubes Ltd for the 2008 to 2012 and & various other industry and macroeconomic analysis correlated with the analysis.
The report is a bridge between the institute and the organization. This made us to be involved in a project that helped us to employ my theoretical knowledge about the myriad and fascinating facets of finance. Moreover, in the process I could contribute substantially to the organization’s growth. The experience that I gathered over the past two months has certainly provided the orientation, which I believe will help me in shouldering any responsibility in future.

National Tubes Limited was established in 1964 in the private sector. It was nationalized and placed under Bangladesh Steel & Engineering Corporation (BSEC) in 1972. It is the only Govt owned steel pipe producer in Bangladesh. In 1989 the enterprise was transformed into a public limited company by off-loading 49 percent shares to the general public. Now a sovereign Board of Directors manages the company.
The factory situated on the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway on 14.31. acre land at 131-142 Tongi Industrial Aarea- 20 km north of the capital city.of Bangladesh.

To contribute to the well being of the nation by producing high quality import-substitute Gas/Oil line pipes according to the specifications (Spec. QI & 5L) of American Petroleum Institute (API) and water line pipes (GI) according to British Standard (BS - 1387 & BS-729). As an API Licensee and an ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Company, we are firmly committed to all our stakeholders such as : Our valued customers, business associates, shareholders and above all fellow citizens.

Building  a unique enterprise reflecting utmost integrity, transparency and accountability at all levels, thereby marketing products manufactured under uncompromising quality program. We aspire to achieve continuous improvements for customers satisfaction with modern technology, innovative vision and motivated workforce developed through strategic management of human resource.

The strategy of the company is to expand its production facilities & diversify its products to cater the future needs of the country. Introduction of modern technology in production & quality control activity is also under consideration.

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